Sunday, 5 April 2009

Ten to One.

Your precious cells, with Mitochondria witness

degrading Telemeres, in Deoxyribonucleic Acid

marking time with wrinkling grey

protecting from cancerous pain.

Hauling yourself from crowded waves

to climb up trees, and jump out again.

The Tiktaalik Roseae, your very own

redraft of Archaeopteryx.

Bacteria on you, in you, are you.

More than you could hope to count

Outnumbering your cells, ten to one.

Your gut, a walking hotel.

A precious thumping heart

since yesterday, hammered

a hundred thousand times

in your living husk.

Yet Creationism denies

the fact of Evolution

And in God’s name

ignores the beauty.

Atoms of carbon

with water and

another thirty seven.


you and me.

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